The official language of the Conference is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Authors must submit a full-text paper (1-6 pages) electronically by April 1, 2025. The submitted papers are definitive and therefore require a single submission. All full-text papers (1-6 pages) are copyrighted by IEEE and will be submitted to IEEE XPLORE for consideration (one-page papers might encounter IEEE scope/quality issues and might not be distributed by IEEE XPLORE although included in the Conference Proceedings).
See Instructions for submitting full text papers.
Extended abstract or Summary paper submission
Notification of acceptance
Presenter registration
Administration and Management
Mrs. Manuela Trinchero
SELENE Srl – Eventi e Congressi
Via Medici 23 – 10143 Torino, Italy
Ph +39 011 7499601
For info about paper submission
and technical program please write to
Prof. Guido Lombardi
Politecnico di Torino